Thursday, February 01, 2007

Love, Love, Love

Expressing love is the highest form of human communication.

As we spiritually evolve, we begin to examine our words and actions for the amount of love they contain. We grow in our ability to hold and express love. Gaining awareness of what we are expressing makes us conscious of how much love we are offering to the world. Once aware, we can begin to make choices about the things we say and do.

The more evolved we become the less there is to say. Imagine removing all non-loving thoughts from your communication. Imagine removing all expressions of judgment, fear, regret and annoyance from your verbal repertoire.

By stopping unloving thoughts from escaping our lips, we discover an entirely different self. One that has freed itself of negative expression. One that has taken a huge leap toward a higher more loving, more joyful sound. It would be like dropping your anchor and experiencing your balloon rise through the clouds.

It can take a lifetime, perhaps many lifetimes to perfect this step, but before we can stop our minds from producing negativity, we must first stop our mouths from expressing it.


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